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Katie Mack

We have the power to end this. We just need to try.

Ever since I was little, I have always cared deeply about all people, regardless of their race, sexuality, SES, religion, political beliefs, age, ability, or any other physical, environmental, or psychological traits. Now more than ever it is extremely important to me to keep everyone I possibly can safe, and that begins with being a responsible citizen who stays home whenever possible, and wears a mask when it’s absolutely necessary to leave the home. 

As someone with many high-risk family members, I recognize the severity of this virus and am tremendously concerned about both public health, and also the health of my loved ones. It frustrates me to see people online partying and gathering in large groups, because the solution to stopping this virus is so simple. All it would take for us to eradicate it would be a few weeks of true isolation, and then we could get back to our lives. 

I was unlucky enough to graduate college in the midst of this pandemic, and I would love nothing more than to be able to safely start a career, as my life has basically always been building up to the moment I graduated college. Unfortunately, starting a career right now is not only incredibly difficult, but also a safety hazard, as the virus is still devastating our nation. 

The most important thing a lot of us can do right now is listen to scientists as they continue to learn more about the virus, and take as many precautions to keep ourselves and others safe as we can. If we came together as a nation, we could be done with this virus. If we all just agreed to actually quarantine for a few weeks, it could be gone! We could eradicate the virus’ presence in America if we all actually stayed home and wore masks. Getting this point across to all who will listen is my number one priority right now, so i will continue to be vocal on my social media accounts, and with my friends and loved ones. 

This virus is not something to be taken lightly or something that a post on your instagram story can fix. This is a real-life public health crisis that has had global impact. There are simple steps each of us can take to truly stop the spread of this virus in our tracks. All we have to do is stay home, and wear masks when it is absolutely necessary to go in public. 

We have the power to end this virus, but we must work together to do so. Stay home as if your life depends on it… because it does.

Katie Mack is an activist of social justice and feminism, and a University of Michigan graduate with Bachelor's degrees in both Women's Studies and Psychology. Take a look at her YouTube channel katiemackcomments.

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