The INFJ Journal

• values & mission guidance
• self-care checklist
• self-discovery prompts

The perfect journal for all INFJs who are looking to develop into their best, most authentic selves. Just a page a day can help any INFJ on their self-growth and self-care journey. And the pages are so very beautiful and visual, it will be hard to just do one page a day!

Journal details:
• Built for specifically for INFJs, by an INFJ author
• 120 unique and beautifully designed pages
• Self-discovery exercises
• Defining your values
• Developing a mission statement for your life's purpose
• Lined, gridded, boxed, and check list pages for versatility
• Prompts and reminders specific to the INFJ personality type
• Fun to engage with, with plenty of prompts and guidance
• Makes an incredible gift for any INFJ
• Custom for the rarest Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality type

The journal is filled with 120 unique pages (yes, every page is different, and very visual) built specifically for one of the rarest MBTI types, the INFJ. The journal will help any INFJ forge their highest purpose and define their life's mission; including but not limited to defining goals, understanding and determining personal values, going deeper with self-growth, self-discovery, inspiration, gratitude, and various personal assessments to help gauge where you are in your journey. There is no better journal for the MBTI personality type, INFJ.

If you are an INFJ, look no further for the perfect journal built just for you! Or if you have an INFJ in your life, this journal could very easily become one of their favorite possessions! Makes a great gift.